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The Lee Family

Fox 'n Fireweed Cabins (formerly Cleft of the Rock B & B) is a family run establishment since the winter of 2016, though it has been part of the community for decades. We supply quiet, comfortable lodging, nestled in the spruce trees of Tok.  Join the family, bring a pet, borrow a bicycle, bbq, fish or go for a hike in the area. 

Welcome to Tok

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Although there have been Athabaskan settlements around Tōk  for centuries, Tōk itself did not exist until 1942 when a camp was built to support the construction of the Alaska Highway. There are many theories on the origin of Tōk's name. Some say it is an abbreviation of Tokyo Camp, another road camp that was later used in WWII as an airway. Some say it is an abbreviation of Toklat River, or the initials of a Norwegian goldminer named Thorine Osric Knornsson. Some say Tok was the name of a pet bear from the Alaska Road Commission camp days, who was so beloved the camp was named after him. Finally, some say it was the call sign for road crews checking conditions at the T-junction connecting Canada, Fairbanks and Anchorage. "Is the T ok?" "T ok." Eventually "T ok" was shortened to Tok. We don't know how Tok got its name, but we know it's a special place. Fox 'n Fireweed was opened in 1990. It is still going strong thanks to the serene locale and kind-hearted neighbors of Tok.